Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Giving Thanks

Dear Friends,
I'm "blogging" from my dear friend Judi's computer tonight. We are evacuees from Hurricane Ike. What an experience, one I will never forget. Ike came in with a fury on Saturday morning, and caught us all off guard. No one expected what was to come. Our townhouse fared very well, but two dozen noble trees fell during the storm and it was so hard to watch them fall. However, how could we not be so thankful for the safety that God provided for us and all of our children, and for Dylan, who is now 8 months old. God is so very good and showed His love for all of us during such a scary ordeal. He wants us all to trust Him, and believe that He can take care of us. All I will have to do in times of doubt, will be to recall Ike and God's protection "when the trees fell."

With love to all,

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