Rick and I are in NYC, escorting three Libyan gentlemen for some training here. This was a last minute assignment, totally unexpected, and therefore, a treat !! None of the gentlemen have ever been to the states, so we are enjoying seeing our incredible country through their eyes!
Each time I visit NYC, I think of my fifth grade American History teaching days, and our study of immigration, and the "melting pot" aspect of America, the diversity that makes our country so unique. That diversity is evidenced on every street here in this amazing city. Our driver yesterday is from Egypt, and is now an American citizen. What a great person to welcome our Arabic speaking friends to this country! They received a lesson on the city in their native language. This morning, a gentleman from Ghana rode the elevator with us, and he shared his unique perspective on this country while we rode 38 floors down together. We will be here for this entire week, helping our friends in every way that we can.
As an update, I am now officially an employee of Rick's company, in the Communications Department. My role will be to write stories on the program in Libya, and interview employees who share their experiences. Hopefully, the English teacher role will be helpful !! So, for the next months, I will write, and write, and write. I'm sure I will begin to understand how each of my students feel when they are asked to redo, rewrite, and perfect their stories.
I miss each of you, so much, and appreciate you reading the blog. It's been good therapy for me, and I hope provides some insight into our life abroad, much love, Lynn