Saturday, June 20, 2009

Hi friends and family,

We're down to 48 hours before we leave for Libya. This week has been unbelievably emotional, so many goodbyes, I say, "see you soon", and just many, many wonderful memories of dinners with dear friends, small group celebrations, being prayed over at our church, calls, and cards. All has been very appreciated. We feel so loved, and blessed to have such incredible friends. Thank you to so many.

We're having a family sort of a day today. Lunch with my parents, celebrating Father's Day, and an early celebration of Anne's 27th birthday. Our dear friends, Ken and Judi Kimler, drove in from Austin to help us celebrate, and to say, "see you soon." We love our family, and will miss each of them so very much, and each in a very unique way, blesses us on a daily basis. These are truly the "good and perfect gifts" that the Bible mentions in the book of James.

We leave at 4:20 PM on Monday afternoon. We fly British Air to London, and then to Tripoli. As soon as we can get our computer set up, you will hear from us. Love to each of you.

1 comment:

Judi said...

Missing you already!!