Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday Thoughts, and finally, Leptis Magna

Hello Family and Friends,

We are having some real issues with the blog at night, I'm thinking it's because so many new residents have moved into the Arkno with us; we've got some competition for the Internet!! So, I thought I would try to send the photos of Leptis Magna today during the day when all are at work, except of course, for me. I'm so used to being SO busy, teaching, outings with family and friends, and housework too. All of this has changed for me. My room is cleaned every day but Friday and Saturday, laundry is sent out and comes back ready to put away, and meals are prepared for me, breakfast and dinner. What's a girl to do?

Today, my routine in the morning, work out, Bible, journal, then REST. God must have decided that I need to rest for a while. And so I rest, and read, write and rest some more. Many of you will be thinking, sounds good! However, for me, it is just something I need to work on. I'm not a very good "rester", I love being busy!! I know that I will look back on these first days in Libya, and wish for some of this quiet, so I'm trying to keep that in mind.

Now for some reflections on Libya: there is real beauty in the five calls for prayer each day, prayer and time with God is prioritized, I like that ! Libyans are so friendly, what makes them this way? I know that they open their hearts in a way I've never seen before, completely enjoying others in a way that is charming, I like how proud Libyans are of their families, the people here serve with a joyful spirit, not grudgingly or expecting anything in return. When Rick and I commented on this hospitality, one of our new friends, Shamir, said, "I hope you always find my country this way!" Their cappacinno(sp?) is wonderful,tastes like chocolate, and only cost $0.75 a cup. Awesome!

Oddities: I've only seen one dog and one cat since I've been here, where are they? Women "swim" in their full dress, long skirts, head covering everything, how do they keep from drowning? No alcohol, but so much smoking...

I do really want to write a book, but I need a focus, a title. Anyone with an idea, let me know.
I love you all, and I miss you so much, Lynn


debbie dunphy said...

What an education..on so many levels! What a blessing to find such kind people. Enjoy your rest, Friend, it is well deserved. Love and miss you! Debbie D

anne booth said...

LOVE the pictures, that place looks amazing! A total trip back in time. I love reading your blog everyday when I get home from work, keep up the good writing, and ryan and i will be thinking up a great book title for you! love you!