Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm Going Back to Libya, and to Rick !!

Dear Friends and Family,

Today at 4:25, I return to my sweet husband, and to our home in Libya. It has been sheer joy for me to see so many of you, and to soak in the family and friend time that God gave to me while I've been here.

Thank you for taking the time to call me, spend your precious time with me, for all of the lovely lunches out, and just relaxing with you. I am a blessed woman to have your love, and I know that love and prayers are what are keeping Rick and I sustained. We miss all of you every day that we are away, but will be back during the holiday season. Our second grandchild, a girl, is due the week of December 2-9. What a Christmas gift her birth will be !!

Much love to each of you, please keep in touch, Lynn

1 comment:

Judi said...

Lynn I miss you already. I am praying that you will be ap peace in Tripoli and give sweet Rick a hug for me. Love you!