Saturday, July 4, 2009

Happy Birthday America !!

Dear Family and Friends,

I missed a day yesterday due to church here, and our first AECOM company picnic. Hopefully, today I will write to you twice. May I first say how very proud I am to be an American, and enjoy the freedoms that God has given us in our country, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and all of the other precious freedoms that I have probably taken for granted over my lifetime. Never again, not after living in this country of Libya. I have always been very patriotic, but this year feels very different. May God bless America, and all of you today as you celebrate with your families and friends. We are with you in spirit. We love you !! Lynn and Rick

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Happy 4th Rick and Lynn!!
You are right in that getting outside our country makes one really appreciate what we have here in America.
We love your blog and really liked the video. And you didn't use cue cards. We are so happy Rick is enjoying work. I think having other nationalities will make it really special too as you get to know them. Take care and see you in October.
parker and Karen