Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weekend in Tripoli

Ok, I'll never get used to the weekend being over on Saturday !! Rick goes back to work tomorrow, just doesn't seem right. We figured out today that Saturdays here are the only day that feels like home, every other day is out of wack, totally different and unfamiliar.

On Friday mornings, we get up and go to church. We went back to the Anglican Church yesterday. The Egyptian pastor had a frustrating day, the sound system went out. The church is quite old, and there wasn't much he could do about it. Now I know what kids feel like in a classroom when the teacher is talking way over their heads, and they can't understand a word she is saying!! That's the way church was yesterday. But, the choir was back, and that was pure joy. Same smiling gentleman singing at the top of his lungs, a British man, and one Nigerian lady. Children were running all over the back of the church, laughing and playing. Let's just say, it was interesting. I hope God was as amused as the rest of us were!!

After church,I did enjoy lunch cooked in an earthenware pot at the Marcus Aurelius restaurant. However, I did not get the baby camel meat!! In fact, the meat counters here in Libya, are, could I say, graphic, and I am fast on my way to becoming a vegetarian.

Who knows what adventure await me this week? I've been here almost a month, and I'm sure this journey God has me taking will continue to be fascinating , until the day I leave. Please pray for patience and sensitivity towards every person God puts in my path. Until tomorrow, love to each of you, Lynn

1 comment:

Parrothead Al said...

Glad you are adjusted well to life in Libya. The blog posts are interesting. We all miss you.

Al Lanning