Sunday, July 5, 2009

We're Moving !!

Great news, we got an apartment at Guesthouse #1!! Yes, it does have a special name like Arkno, something like Al Zain, but I'll let you know later. Rick found out at work today that it is vacant, so tonight after dinner, we went to our new "home". We will have a small living room, dining room and kitchen(yea!!), also a small bedroom and bathroom. We are a block from the Mediterranean Sea, very close, close enough to hear the children swimming and playing in the water. There is a nice little balcony where I can sit in the sun and read. All the way on the roof is the dining facility, still get our meals when we want, and an exercise room, that we didn't get to see. I loved the roof level dining hall, because you have the choice to eat outside if you want. I like that !! Anyway, tonight we are packing, packing, again. Thanks for your prayers about our accommodations, God answered.

Sadly, we have really enjoyed our neighbors at the Arkno, and we will miss them. It's amazing how quickly people here get to know each other, there is such a need, it really makes most people reach out. My cleaning lady here almost cried when I told her, and it was so sweet. But, there are other ladies at Guesthouse #1 who don't work,and I am closer to, and on the same side of the street from the Guesthouse #2 where I have met several ladies. It will take some time, but soon we will feel somewhat at home there. So for tonight , dear friends and family, I close with sending our love to each of you, Lynn

1 comment:

anne booth said...

Love you! Can't wait to see pictures of your new place and new view!