Tuesday, July 21, 2009

News from Tripoli


It's Tuesday morning here in Libya, I noticed today that sometimes, when I post my blog, it shows the date as being the day before I post. It must still think I'm on Texas time. Can't believe it took me four weeks to realize that? Hope it hasn't been too confusing for all of you...

My news is that I am coming home on Sunday, this Sunday, July 26!! I will arrive in Houston at about 2:00PM. My wonderful husband changed my ticket so that I could come back earlier than expected to check on everyone there. As you know, Rick and I have two very loved family members who are battling cancer. Sometimes, you just go, and it doesn't matter how far away you are, you go to see them, and tell them how very much you care and love them. Anyway, I am coming back for both of us. We didn't have any idea how living so far away would affect us, and what situations God would allow while we were away. God doesn't tell us our future, He just wants us to step out in faith and trust Him. This job in Tripoli was definitely a huge leap of faith for both of us, and we will have to take it a step at a time. So, I will be back Sunday, and I am thankful that Rick is comfortable here now, and is supportive of my return.

I am going to try and record the "calls to prayer" that happens here five times each day. I think you would all enjoy hearing one of them, and knowing what they sound like. Each one during the day is unique, and so very different than what I expected. Rick and I will attempt to record one of the evening calls tonight, and post it on the blog.

So dear family and sweet friends, I will see you soon, much love, Lynn

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