Saturday, November 7, 2009

Libya's Top Ten-According to me,anyway

Top Ten Things I Like About Libya

Here goes, in no particular order, except for the first one:
1. Being here with Rick
2. Beautiful, unique, blue color of the Mediterranean Sea
3. Camels
4. Libyan Soup and the delicious, pita-style bread to go with it
5. Christ the King Anglican Church's choir
6.A tree with lovely orange and yellow flowers, don't know the name
7.Two dinar movies
8.Marcus Aurelius Restaurant
9.Friendly people I've met here
10.Close proximity to Europe, and other cool places to visit

OK, so those aren't in any order except for the fact that I've been very thankful to have been able to share this with Rick, and see what he sees. Now, it's time for me to go home, back to Texas, to be a part of the lives of so many that we love. Seems right for me to go now, even though I'm sad to leave Rick here. God has a plan, and we are trusting Him with the future.
So good bye for now, I'll blog from Texas next, love to all, Lynn

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Activities in Tripoli

Hello to all,

I haven't written much about Libya lately due to our trip news, so I will attempt to catch you up on some Tripoli happenings. I was invited to a baby shower for the sister of one of our drivers, Sala. Words can't describe the magnitude of one of these all female parties. The party was hosted by the grandmother, who greeted us warmly and seated us. It is a very nice honor to be invited to a Libyan party, since family is so important here. Incense was burning, small, very dressed up, children were running around a large banquet hall, and music was playing, very loudly. Now and then you could hear one of the older women make a loud "lalalalalala" noise, similar to yodeling, very high pitched to express their joy over the occasion. It happened many times throughout the evening, and always caught me off guard when I heard it. A very unusual sound, and the older ladies take great delight in making it.

Much later, the new mom enters the room, like the grand entrance of a queen, and her outfit is so ornate, covered in sequins, amazing gold jewelry, make up beyond words. She walks around the entire room with the infant who was in a beautiful blanket. Everyone exclaims over the baby, and most importantly, slips money under the baby's blanket. Women are not required to cover themselves when men aren't around, and they take advantage of this to show off their beautiful clothes, makeup, and jewelry. Dancing is very important too, and the Libyan women encouraged us to get up and dance with them. Embarrassing, but they appreciated the effort. We tried to leave at 10:30, thinking the party was winding down, but the grandmother walked over and pointed to our chairs, then motioned for us to "eat!" A huge meal came out, at 11:00pm! These late hours are the Libyan way, I have discovered. Anyway, it was an experience I'll never forget.

A week ago, one of our canasta friends took two of us to the pottery town, Gherian. Gherian is in the mountains, about an hour away. The terrain is quite different from that of Tripoli, and I enjoyed the change. Before we arrived at the pottery stands, we stopped to see the Troglodyte house, which is an underground house, over 350 years old. Apparently, this type of home was guite common, and there are still some inhabited ones in the area. The one we looked at had a large living room in the middle, open to the sky, and eight large bedrooms off of the center room. A young man was there to show us around, and said it was his family's home for many years, and that his dad was born in one of the rooms. He offered us hot tea, the sweet Libyan green tea, boiled, and poured to create foam on top, very good. Then we shopped at the pottery stalls, one after the next, along the road. A fun day for me, so interesting and different.

Just wanted to share two of the events I've been a part of here. I'm thankful for the hospitality and friendliness of so many that I have met. This will be forever a life lesson for me, to always open my heart and home and welcome those that God places in my life. Much love to all of you, dear family and friends, Lynn

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Rome, Incredible Rome

Hello to all,

I'm reflecting back on our trip to Italy today, thinking about how to describe part three, the city of Rome. Unforgettable, is all I can say. Many here in Libya have been to Rome, and all have liked it. I guess one of the most amazing things to me was seeing ancient sights like the Coliseum right in the middle of a neighborhood. Vatican City had cute little restaurants and shopping all around it, as well as the busy city bustling all around in every direction, buses, taxis, lots of traffic and the pedestrians. Somehow I expected that these famous sights would be set apart somewhere, but not at all. They are only a part of the huge city. Well, the pedestrians rule the roost in Rome, no cars can compare with the crowds crossing the streets. Huge crowds, all going somewhere important. Kind of scary watching people head out in front of the cars, we did it too, you have to be bold and decisive. Anyway, so many impressions of the city, history, excitement, graffiti everywhere, on so many places you wouldn't expect to see it, restaurants, stylish people, and the shopping, and crowds. We were in crowds on the streets, in the piazzas, on the metro, in buses, you get the picture. Crowded !!

Anyway, I'm glad we went to Rome. My favorite part,besides sharing it with Anne and Ryan, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel, stunningly beautiful. Now, I know what art really is, a gift from God. Pictures don't do it justice, love to all, Lynn

Friday, October 16, 2009

More Italy- The Island of Elba


I'm back with part two of our great trip to Italy, the wonderful little Island of Elba. So, as we were trying to plan our vacation with Anne and Ryan, Rick and I thought it would be fun and different to experience one of the islands off of the western coast of Italy. We started investigating Sardinia, but found it too far, requiring an overnight boat trip, which we didn't want to do. So, we rented an apartment for two nights on a tiny dot of an island, Elba, in the small village of Rio Marino. It required the trains and a ferry to get to, but we finally arrived on Tuesday evening, and waited for the contact person to arrive at the ferry to get us. Finally, here he comes, on foot, speaking very little English, but friendly and welcoming. Our apt. was in a neighborhood near the ferry so we loaded up with our backpacks and off the four of us went, following him, twisting and turning uphill to our very Italian apt. The town apparently shuts down after September 15, which we definitely didn't know, so it was like a ghost town, very quiet, and we stuck out like a sore thumb in this little village where everyone knows everyone. The restaurant was open though, and we had the best pizza, and seafood that night, one of the most delicious meals of our whole trip. Not more than 6 of us in the entire restaurant, so the waitress watched us all throughout the meal. Very funny experience.

The next morning we were all determined to see the island, but couldn't get any information on the bus schedule. However, we left the apartment with a firm plan to see and do whatever we could, just not in Rio Marino !! Ryan saw the bus coming, so all four of us ran to catch it, thank goodness I have been working out. Our bus driver tried to tell us how much to pay in Italian, and after the 4 ladies already on the bus gestured and excitedly tried to explain, so we could continue, Rick got four tickets and we were off. Keep in mind we had no idea how we would get back! No matter, none of us wanted to spend all day in our apt. As it turned out, the 30 minute bus drive to the busiest city on the island was beautiful, and we were now in a town with shopping, beaches, restaurants, and all was well. Anne,Ryan, and Rick actually got to swim in the Mediterranean Sea! We enjoyed our day there, and actually found a bus back, had another great meal, with cute young waitresses who died laughing when they found out we were from Texas !! "Oh, Texas!" they would say, then they would laugh.

So our Elba Experience was truly an interesting change of pace, unexpected; one of those "serendipity" moments, love to all, Lynn

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Hello to everyone,

I missed blogging during my week stay in Italy, no internet in any of our Italian apartments. So, this week I'll try to catch up, and share with you some of the highlights of the trip. Most importantly, we'll post some pictures for you to enjoy!

For me, the highlight of the trip was sharing all of it with our wonderful daughter Anne, and her husband Ryan, my very favorite son in law !! I think the fact that we were together, and had two more sets of eyes and ears made everything very special. Anne has that incredible enthusiasm and energy that added the element of fun to our experience, and Ryan has the photographer's perspective, which encouraged each of us to stop and look at what he saw, noticing all of those small things we wouldn't have seen otherwise. So, to be in Italy with them was a blessing, and I am so thankful that they were able to come and be with us.

We began in Rome, then very early the next morning, got on a train which took us four hours up the western coast of Italy to Cinque Terre. The train itself is an interesting experience, all of the interesting people who get on and off, and the towns we saw along the way. Italy is beautiful, and green, always so good for my soul, after living here in the desert. So, we arrived in Cinque Terre on Sunday, loaded with our backpacks. Yes, I carried my own backpack, kind of challenging to pack that light!! The apartment in Vernazza overlooked the most beautiful scenic harbor, and village square, busy, noisy and unique. Our balcony gave us a view of the locals drinking coffee in the restaurant right below us, yelling good morning across the square to their friends, and preparing to feed the many people that would visit that day. No cars are allowed in Vernazza, so every morning, very early, trucks are "let in" only to deliver goods, and pick up the trash. Cinque Terre is made up of five villages along the coast, which have now been made into a national park to preserve them. There is a hiking trail, which gives visitors the option of hiking between the five villages. We began our second day, by taking the train to the first town, Riomaggiore, and walked all around that wonderful little village, then began the hike to the next village. And on we went to four of the five villages, with our apartment in Vernazza being our destination. Wisely, we took the train to the last village. What incredible, gorgeous views we enjoyed along the way. Each town was so picturesque, all like storybook villages, colorful tall houses sitting on the sides of hills, boats, flowers, lovely people and food. I recommend Cinque Terre to everyone, a great start to our week in Italy.

More on Italy during the week, and pictures too. I'm sending my love to family and friends. Miss you all! Lynn

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

More Paris

Paris Photos

Hello to my dear family and friends,

As promised, here is photo album #2, of our great trip to Paris. Rick took over 600 pictures, so it's very hard to choose!

My love to all, Lynn

Monday, September 28, 2009

Canasta Anyone?

Hello All,

I admit to being a little "down" this week, after returning to the desert from the lovely city of Paris. So, the therapy is always to count my blessings, and remember that there are many wonderful people in my life, and much to look forward to . Rick is doing so very well here, and I am very thankful for his job, and the fact that he likes the challenges that are before him each day. After the former busyness of my life as a teacher, this slow pace is hard, and I struggle with the quiet of some days here. So, each opportunity to get out, and meet new ladies is wonderful.

I have learned to play the "real" game of Canasta, and the group of women I play cards with is very multicultural. Some have experienced many overseas assignments, and they say Libya is the hardest of all. I believe the restrictions placed on us as women here contribute to this perception, the challenging language barrier, the lack of freedom to drive, or get out on our own, and the tremendous cultural differences, all play a part in the opinion that this is indeed a tough assignment. It helps to share with each other, to listen and laugh together. Every one is trying to make the best of things here, and reach out. This becomes essential if you live overseas, you no longer have the luxury of staying to yourself, the need for community is too overwhelming and important. Canasta is only our "excuse" to get together once a week, a lifeline. And, I am so thankful for it !! Sending love to one and all, Lynn

PS More Paris Albums later, promise !

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Paris Photo Album #1

Paris Photo Album # 1

Ok, I have no idea how Rick just created this first Flickr album, but here it is. We walked to the Luxembourg Palace, and found the most beautiful gardens as well. I think some of our most memorable moments happened just like that, quite by accident, we would discover the most gorgeous places. I remember reading that Paris is all about its sweeping boulevards and intimate lanes, a very good way to describe what we experienced there. Huge overwhelming views of the Eiffel Tower, Arc de Triomphe, and the Seine, then to contrast, a simple vine covered, very French home, its balcony full of flowers. Enjoy! There will be more to come. Love to all, Lynn

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Thoughts on Paris


Rick is really showing me up on the blog right now. I promise I will improve when I return to my slower paced life in Tripoli this week, and I can finally process this past week.

French people are wonderful, I think, very full of life, and most seem appreciative of this extraordinary city they live in. Espresso coffee to die for, pastries which can put pounds on you just by looking at them, lovely restaurants, like Le Poulbot, where Rick and I ate last night, so tiny, yet the food was absolutely delicious. There are restaurants like that everywhere you look. We have walked through the most incredible little parks, and gardens artistically planted. I love the open fruit stands on every street, and the women dressed from very casual to "tres chic",all with scarves around their necks, and interesting shoes. Everywhere are couples kissing, and romance. It has been an experience I will always remember.

So my dear family and friends, au revoir for now, love to all, Lynn

Monday, September 21, 2009

Hi from Paris,

We’ve had some internet difficulties since we arrived on Friday, so this is my first blog from Paris. Wow, is all I can say!! This beautiful city has surpassed all of my expectations. I love the pastries , musicians, flowers, and excellent small local restaurants. First we visited the incredible Sacre Coeur Cathedral, which overlooks the entire city. A band from Mexico entertained the crowds near the cathedral, playing La Bamba! Rick wanted me to climb up the stairs to the dome with him. Most of you who know me, know that I really struggle with heights. It was scary. I did get a kick out of all of the gargoyles on the outside of the churches whose faces reflect how I’m feeling when I climb way up high with my fearless husband!

On Saturday, we ventured into the city to walk down Champs d’Elysees, definitely the most gorgeous street I have ever strolled down. You could definitely shop until you dropped, even a Starbucks, the largest one I have ever seen. We enjoyed seeing the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tour too.What a day! Rick snapped pictures and more pictures. I made him delete a few of me !! I studied French in High School and it’s been such fun, and frustrating too, for me to try and put together the vocabulary that I remember from so long ago .

Yesterday we took the metro to Ile de la Cite and saw Sainte Chapelle and Notre Dame. Just when I think I have seen the most gorgeous, memorable cathedral, there are two more! There are really no words adequate to describe these two amazing structures. It’s impossible to wrap my mind around the artistic gifts that some people have, statues, paintings, tapestries, all are incredible examples of God given talents.

Today, the Louvre !! Rick and I literally walked our feet off, trying to see as many of the exhibits as we could before we got too exhausted to enjoy it. The Louvre is beyond description, Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo, were only two of so many amazing works of art. Now I understand what my daughter and my mother tried to tell me, and were unable, as I am, to find the right words. So friends, I am blessed to be in this wonderful city with my sweet husband, celebrating our 33 years of marriage! Pictures to come later, much love to all, Lynn

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Iftar at the Ambassador's Residence

Hi Everyone,

Very fascinating evening at the residence of "His Excellency Gene Cretz, the Ambassador of the United States of America", full title he was referred to as last night. The Iftar celebrates the end of the fast every day, and follows a time of prayer each evening. Fast is broken traditionally with milk and dates first, then prayer follows for every Muslim, then a large meal after that. The Ambassador spoke first, in English, then in Arabic for all of the Libyan guests, then an older Libyan man spoke, fluently in English, then a recording of President Obama was played !! Every speaker repeated the desire that Americans and Libyans learn to understand one another, and respect each other. It was truly a once in a lifetime experience for me. Rick recorded the recitation of a portion of the Quran, sung by a young man with a beautiful voice, and we did take some pictures, so we'll post those at a later date. Rick had his picture taken with the ambassador also, exciting !! Another late night as the end of Ramadan is approaching. They have two more days of fasting, and at sundown tomorrow, Ramadan will be over !! Every Libyan is looking forward to the Eid celebration which begins on Saturday. Rick and I will, however, be enjoying our week in Paris, so I will try to blog while I am there. Much love to each of you, I miss you, Lynn

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Breaking Fast Celebration and American Embassy

Hello from Libya,

Tonight, I will be attending the "breaking fast" evening meal at the home of a Libyan man who works for Rick's company. I was invited by a friend who lives at the guesthouse with us. She actually works with this gentleman who has included us in his family's meal. I am excited to have this experience, and look forward to telling more about it in a future blog. Ramadan is drawing to a close, on Saturday, then three days of celebrating, feasting and gift giving will begin, called Eid. The entire country will be on holiday, and many expats will leave and take this opportunity to travel. Rick and I are going to Paris, our first trip to France. We can't wait until Friday !!

Tomorrow night we have another treat, an invitation to the residence of the American Ambassador for an "Iftar to celebrate the Holy Month of Ramadan". The Iftar will be followed by a buffet reception. A young couple who goes to our church invited us. I have no idea what to expect, so I'll let you know about this in a later blog. Of course, if I can take pictures I will, but pictures are often not allowed because of the customs with regards to women. Anyway, just wanted to share my upcoming "social" life. My love to each of you, Lynn

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Friday Night in Green Square

Hi Everyone,

Last night, Rick and I experienced downtown Tripoli on a Friday night. Unbelievable ! We were told that many of the shops would not be open until around 10:00PM, and they were right. Incredible numbers of people out with their children, coffee shops are open, and all of the lights were lit up, just like Christmas in the states. Rick is going to post a video of all the "action" on his blog Our driver even had some great American music on in the background too. We were with our friends from San Antonio, Juan and Gloria. Such a cute, fun, couple that God Himself has given us to pal around with. We are so thankful for this new friendship, and the joy it brings us.

The Libyan people have one more week of Ramadan, then the fast will break with a three day celebration, feasting, and parties, very similar to our Christmas season. One of my driver friends says everyone gets new clothes for the occasion, so this week people will be out in droves preparing for that. The end of Ramadan coincides with the end of the lunar cycle. We took some great pictures of the downtown are, enjoyed one of the local coffee bars, and a great cappuccino, and bought a few things at a local shop, including a rug made by Libyan women in Mizrata. It has my favorite, camels, on it.

Here are a few of my favorite photos from our Friday night adventure. Miss you all, and love each of you so very much, Lynn

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Rain in Libya!!

Hi All,

Today it is rainy in Tripoli, first rain I've seen since I arrived. I really couldn't believe my eyes when the drops began to fall. Every day has been exactly the same here, sunny and dry. Today, the sky is grey, lots of clouds and rain. Such a nice change ...

I'm really excited to see what the palm trees look like without their usual layer of dust, it'll probably look a lot greener around here tomorrow.

A couple of oddities, the toilet tissue is awful, some would say it is similar to crepe paper. I agree. Enough about that. I have found just one thing that I can't tolerate here, the meat markets. All have heads hanging in the windows to let everyone know what is fresh that day. Yuk! OK, I've had my say about those two things, you won't hear about them again.

Hope all is well with each of you, I miss you all and send my love all the way across the ocean, Lynn

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Church and the Choir

As promised, I am posting a picture of our church here in Tripoli, Church of Christ the King, an Anglican Episcopal church. I have mentioned the choir several times, so Rick and I took a very quiet video during their song this past Friday morning. It was a beautiful song called "Hold Me Close". The man I love to watch is on the far left of the video, that smile lights up the whole room!!

Also, one picture of the outside of the church, very old, Spanish architecture. We listened to a sermon on doubt, and how to deal with doubt. Trusting God is so hard to do, and I pray for the strength to trust Him every day that we are here. He does have good plans for each of us, "plans to give us hope and a future." I'm so thankful that we have a church family here to worship with each week. Wanted to share them with you.

Also, on Friday night, we attended another company party. Due to Ramadan, and the breaking of the daily fast which occurs between 7:30 and 8:00, then the hour of prayer which follows, the party did not begin until 9:30, and we rolled into bed at 1:30 AM. I felt like I was in college again keeping late hours. We had a lot of fun, there was a group of musicians who played instruments, and danced, actually twirled around and around. One got so dizzy, he fell to the ground !! On the way home, we got into the worst traffic nightmare. All of Libya it seemed was shopping at 1:00 AM, and the streets were packed. We're talking tiny babies to older people were out, just like it was the middle of the day. I've never seen so many people. Day becomes night here during Ramadan.

My love to each of you, Lynn

Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday in Tripoli

Hi Everyone,

Well, I haven't blogged in a few days, sort of a weird week with the holidays, etc. I did have an interview at the American School of Tripoli on Wednesday. I enjoyed seeing the school, housed in two villas with the elementary campus in small buildings on the side. My teaching buddies from home would have loved the experience as I did. I would very much like to tutor or volunteer while I am here. Most of you know that I love spending time with children of all ages, and am so used to getting up every morning and going to school. My heart will always be with children, and teaching in some capacity. The director of the school is from California, and has helped the school grow from 30 kids to 150, from preschool to high school. It was an interesting experience, and we'll see where God takes me from here.

Also, I had a great time yesterday with 5 other ladies at a luncheon, the largest group we have had so far. It's fascinating to sit with ladies from all over the world, and have conversations about where they have lived, and of course, their families. Women seem to always gravitate to talking about their children, and grandchildren. Each is feeling much the same as I do, happy to be here with their husband, needing to share in this experience, but missing home, family, and friends so very much. We all need one another, and the sharing. I am thankful that others are here, and that God has provided them for me, during our stay in Tripoli.

Today we are off to church, to lunch, playing cards at Guesthouse 2, and a late party tonight hosted by our partner company. I'll take pictures of our church today to post. All my love, sweet family and friends, Lynn

Monday, August 31, 2009

Decorated Tripoli


Rick and I have spent an enjoyable Monday together as he received an unexpected holiday today in addition to his one tomorrow for the September 1st Celebration. The pictures show some of the decorations which make Tripoli look so festive. The mosque is lit green at night, and the other two pictures show Guesthouses 1 and 2. Ours is on the right.

We are watching fireworks tonight from the roof of Guesthouse 2. Their view of the downtown area is better than ours. Some are walking into the city tomorrow for the festivities, but Rick and I have decided not to go since the crowds will be tremendous.

So, I wanted all of you to see what we are seeing, wish I could bring you here to spend some time with us !! I miss you all, and am sending my love, Lynn

Friday, August 28, 2009

Friday(I mean Sunday) in Tripoli

Great church service today, our Canadian pastor was back from his two month leave!! Even though the Egyptian associate pastor is very nice, it is so hard to understand him with his thick accent. But today, we heard every word of the sermon from James about trials. Probably a great sermon to preach to a group of people living in Tripoli, Africa! My favorite moment was when a tiny, little boy from Nigeria walked up during the service and reached out for my hand. He unashamedly stood very close to me, and I patted his soft hair while he ate his cookie. I'm not sure where his mother was, but he was in the care of another lady who had a tiny baby also. Anyway, I thought to myself, how sweet, and this is how we should all greet each other at church, with love and acceptance. What a beautiful picture of the love Jesus has for each of us !

While I am writing, the call to prayer is sounding. Ramadan is well underway now, the Muslim people have been fasting and praying from sunup to sundown every day for a whole week. You can almost hear the sigh of relief when the sun goes down and they can "break fast". The city is very decorated right now also, in anticipation of the September 1 celebration. Flags all over the building, banners everywhere, and decorations which will be lit on most lamp posts downtown. It is really going to be quite a day, the 4oth year celebration of their independence, and 10th year of their being a part of the African Union. Many dignitaries will speak, and millions will be in the city for parades and fireworks. Rick's company doesn't encourage us to attend, just because of the masses of people who will be there, so we plan to set up on one of the roofs to see the fireworks that night. It will be a holiday for Rick, so that part is to be celebrated for sure.

Hope each of you is well, and that God is giving you His peace. Please let me know how I may pray for you while I am here, love to all, Lynn

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Day One(Again)

Hello Everyone,

I have terrible jet lag today, but am determined to stay up until a reasonable time. If my blog doesn't make sense, you'll know why ! Well, Libya is still here, and I'm back. Rick met me at the airport, and all of my bags made it. What a nightmare loading a 52 pound suitcase, I called it "The Beast", onto a cart to put it through the "security". I've never seen anyone monitoring the screen, but OK, I'll follow the rules. One big benefit of traveling without my husband, the only one, I was waved to the front of a big line of men in passport control. The man checking my passport asked where I was from and when I answered, Texas, his face lit up, and he replied, "Texas! Beautiful!" I agree!

Two thoughts for today, comfortable and familiar. Ever thought about how wonderful it is to look around you, either at your home, or in your community, and see so many familiar places and people? And, how awesome it is to feel truly comfortable? Well, these two feelings are not to be taken for granted! Being home was wonderful, and I enjoyed the month I spent there so very much. I felt so comfortable in the familiar surroundings, and soaked in time with family and friends. Now, even though not much is comfortable or familiar, Rick and I are experiencing it together, which in itself, is what it's all about, having someone you love to share life with, no matter where God sends you. All my love, Lynn

Monday, August 24, 2009

I'm Going Back to Libya, and to Rick !!

Dear Friends and Family,

Today at 4:25, I return to my sweet husband, and to our home in Libya. It has been sheer joy for me to see so many of you, and to soak in the family and friend time that God gave to me while I've been here.

Thank you for taking the time to call me, spend your precious time with me, for all of the lovely lunches out, and just relaxing with you. I am a blessed woman to have your love, and I know that love and prayers are what are keeping Rick and I sustained. We miss all of you every day that we are away, but will be back during the holiday season. Our second grandchild, a girl, is due the week of December 2-9. What a Christmas gift her birth will be !!

Much love to each of you, please keep in touch, Lynn

Monday, August 10, 2009

News on Precious Grandbaby #2

Hi to Everyone,

Well, I know that my husband is really the one with the amazing pictures and news from Tripoli, but I have some AWESOME news of my own. My daughter in law, Mary, had her ultrasound on Thursday,and I got to be there. Our second grandchild is a little girl !! We are all so excited and have already begun the wonderful fun of looking at little girl clothes. Brian says we can "frill" this baby up all we want. The due date is December 16,2009, but Dr. Francis says we will meet her sometime during the week of Dec. 2-9. Can't wait to meet my sweet little grandaughter !

Just wanted all of our family and friends to share the blessing with us, Lynn

PS Big Brother Dylan has no idea what is coming his way.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Rick in Malta, Lynn in The Woodlands

Rick is headed to Malta again tomorrow for an adventure by himself, and I am wishing I could be with him. It is so nice to be home, and I know that, of course, I really can't be two places at one time. Tomorrow, I'd sure like to be. We saw so little of the wonderful island on our first trip three weeks ago, so now it's up to Rick to discover some more of this special and beautiful island without me, then we'll be ready to return together to explore some more. 

Rick and I have been together for 35 years, including the two years that we dated, and I can happily say that I'm really used to him!! I like being with him, and sharing our lives together. This apart living is not really my cup of tea, and I'm sure I don't want to do this very often. Rick is definitely the more adventurous of the two of us, but all our shared experiences are what has made our marriage so very rich, and wonderful. Libya is just one small part of the life we share, and I'm so glad that I went with him so that, even though I am away now, I understand what he is experiencing over there. When he talks about work, and the people he is around, I can picture all of it, and I don't feel so lonely. 

So, to my adventurous husband of 33 years, have fun in Malta, and discover some great new places that we can return to together, lots of love, Lynn

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


Hi to all,

Well, my husband is definitely showing me up on the blogging now that I'm back on Texas soil. He is getting to be quite an expert blogger, and I am so very proud of his upbeat attitude about everything he is experiencing while in Libya. It's been hard to be so very far apart, but I'm very thankful that God gave me this trip home, and I have loved seeing so many wonderful family members and friends.

This week, I am blessed to be in Austin, with my dear friends Ken and Judi Kimler. Judi is the "Gramma" that I hope to be. She has two adorable grandkids, Corbin and Ruby, who are almost 6 and 3. We are just enjoying life together, playing with Ruby's fairy princess dolls, and watching Corbin as he invents things, and figures out how things work and are put together. These are the sweet moments that make life worth living, and I hope that with my grandchildren I will always remember to stop and smell the roses. Slow down and enjoy the days that God gives us, and the simple things in life. Ken even put two tires on my car today, and filled in for my international husband. What a gift of love to sit at Discount Tire !! 

The hill country is just as stunning as it always is. I have loved my few days here, lots of love to all, Lynn

Monday, July 27, 2009

I Love Texas

Good Monday to All,

I'm thankful to be back in Texas!! My sweet, thoughtful husband gave me the very unselfish gift of a trip home. There are many reasons why it was perfect timing, but let's just say, I needed to recharge. As you all know, the last year and a half has been challenging for Rick and me to say the least, and our move to Tripoli has been quite an experience too.

It has been sheer joy to see my smart, capable husband take on this new job with so many different people, and situations, and attack it with such energy and enthusiasm. He really likes the job, and I'm so happy for me to be "back in the game", so to speak.

I have jet lag tonight, but I am so full of joy to be here at our townhouse with my son and daughter in law, and my adorable grandson, Dylan. Last night, Anne and Ryan, picked me up from the airport, dealing with all of the craziness, and treated me to my first Mexican food. What delight to see them again too. I am a blessed woman, missing Rick, but glad to be soaking in Texas again for a few weeks. Please keep up with Rick's blog, Trip 2 Tripoli for news from Libya. Love to all, Lynn

Friday, July 24, 2009

Call to Prayer

Here's the call to prayer that I promised to post.

I'll be in Houston on Sunday afternoon!!!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

God is in Control by Charles Stanley

This week has been about alone time for me, lots of reading and writing. My new friend, Ellen, returned to the states, and left me here to reflect on this past month. Now, with my return back to Texas only a few days away, I found a small book that I bought right before our departure to Libya back in June. It is called God is in Control by Charles Stanley. The subtitle reads this way, "An Unshakeable Peace in the Midst of Life's Storms." I wanted to share this book with you today, since it has brought me an amazing sense of peace. God really is in control, and He wants us to know this simple truth, not just know it, but let it sink deep into our souls, so that it comforts us, and gives us strength and peace when we need it. Then, He wants us to pass that gift of peace on to others who need it too.

While I was reading today, a knock came at my door. Keep in mind, this apartment is about 550 square feet, so I hear pretty much everything that goes on during the day. Usually the knock is my cleaning lady, Samira, a very sweet and shy young woman who brightens my days with her smile, and greetings in Arabic,"Assalaam alay-kum" which translates, "Peace be upon you." But today the knock was Alice, who came unexpectedly on an errand for her husband, Mac, who works with Rick. Alice and I have been together only twice, but today she arrived at the perfect time, to pray with me for Kay,our cousin, and for Lee, my sister, both battling cancer. She prayed that God would heal both of them, and it was wonderful for me to have her here with me. So, I know that God is truly in control, that He cares very much about us,and about each of you, my dearly loved family and friends. Today, I hope you think of that as you go about your day, whatever may come, and know also that I love each of you, and look so forward to seeing you soon, Lynn

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

News from Tripoli


It's Tuesday morning here in Libya, I noticed today that sometimes, when I post my blog, it shows the date as being the day before I post. It must still think I'm on Texas time. Can't believe it took me four weeks to realize that? Hope it hasn't been too confusing for all of you...

My news is that I am coming home on Sunday, this Sunday, July 26!! I will arrive in Houston at about 2:00PM. My wonderful husband changed my ticket so that I could come back earlier than expected to check on everyone there. As you know, Rick and I have two very loved family members who are battling cancer. Sometimes, you just go, and it doesn't matter how far away you are, you go to see them, and tell them how very much you care and love them. Anyway, I am coming back for both of us. We didn't have any idea how living so far away would affect us, and what situations God would allow while we were away. God doesn't tell us our future, He just wants us to step out in faith and trust Him. This job in Tripoli was definitely a huge leap of faith for both of us, and we will have to take it a step at a time. So, I will be back Sunday, and I am thankful that Rick is comfortable here now, and is supportive of my return.

I am going to try and record the "calls to prayer" that happens here five times each day. I think you would all enjoy hearing one of them, and knowing what they sound like. Each one during the day is unique, and so very different than what I expected. Rick and I will attempt to record one of the evening calls tonight, and post it on the blog.

So dear family and sweet friends, I will see you soon, much love, Lynn

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Pictures, Thoughts,and Prayers

Hello to all,

I have to confess to a "down" day yesterday.We heard some sad news from home about our beloved cousin, Kay, and her struggle with cancer. It is so very hard to be this far away when that type of news comes. I'd like to ask for the prayers of each one of you, my very faithful blog followers, for Kay, first that God will heal her, and then, of course, that He will give her his peace and comfort each and every day, and that she would feel His great love for her. We love her so very much, and believe with all of our hearts in the power of prayer. Thank you so much!!

All of the pictures are from Malta, an upside down statue(don't know why it was like that) of the word LOVE, for Kay. The small saints are all over the sides of buildings in Malta. These lovely works of art are reminders of the Maltese people's strong faith. The last is one of three parts of a word wall, covered with poems and quotes in all different languages. Very interesting. Hopefully, you can enlarge it and read some of the things people wrote. It inspired me to have a permanent wall like this in my classroom, full of quotes that have inspired me, and hopefully will inspire my students in future years.

So for today, thank you for reading my blog, and encouraging me to continue to share my thoughts and experiences with you. Not every day here is wonderful, and most are not at all easy, but then I think of the verse that tells us "I have learned to be content in every circumstance", and I know God is here by my side. Much love to each of you , Lynn

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Weekend in Tripoli

Ok, I'll never get used to the weekend being over on Saturday !! Rick goes back to work tomorrow, just doesn't seem right. We figured out today that Saturdays here are the only day that feels like home, every other day is out of wack, totally different and unfamiliar.

On Friday mornings, we get up and go to church. We went back to the Anglican Church yesterday. The Egyptian pastor had a frustrating day, the sound system went out. The church is quite old, and there wasn't much he could do about it. Now I know what kids feel like in a classroom when the teacher is talking way over their heads, and they can't understand a word she is saying!! That's the way church was yesterday. But, the choir was back, and that was pure joy. Same smiling gentleman singing at the top of his lungs, a British man, and one Nigerian lady. Children were running all over the back of the church, laughing and playing. Let's just say, it was interesting. I hope God was as amused as the rest of us were!!

After church,I did enjoy lunch cooked in an earthenware pot at the Marcus Aurelius restaurant. However, I did not get the baby camel meat!! In fact, the meat counters here in Libya, are, could I say, graphic, and I am fast on my way to becoming a vegetarian.

Who knows what adventure await me this week? I've been here almost a month, and I'm sure this journey God has me taking will continue to be fascinating , until the day I leave. Please pray for patience and sensitivity towards every person God puts in my path. Until tomorrow, love to each of you, Lynn

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Regatta. Dylan, and Church on Fridays

I wanted to share a couple of pictures of Regatta, the Libyan version of a planned community !
The first shows the gorgeous, pristine beaches. This beach would rival any in the world, such clear inviting water, and the blue color, well, it speaks for itself. The second picture shows the table where I enjoyed lunch, pretty awesome setting. We have heard all sorts of stories about the memberships for the Regatta, from 150 dinar per month, to 600 dinar per month, that's per person !! However, like so many things here in Tripoli, if you are with one of our drivers who knows someone, who is connected to someone else, and your car is acceptable, you are waved in. So, I hope to go back and enjoy the beach. Sadly, Libya has a real litter problem, apparently it has been out of control for a long time, and now people are sick and tired of it and the government is beginning to work on it, and hire crews of people. Many of the workers are from Egypt, here to clean up the litter. So, many of the beaches are just a mess, it's so sad when people just don't appreciate the gifts God has given them in the natural world. I guess we all tend to take our surroundings for granted. Anyway, the Regatta is a beautiful place.

Next, of course, is my now 18 month old grandson, Dylan, who fell into his bucket on the back patio of our townhouse. Our son, Brian and his wife, Mary, who is expecting our next precious grandbaby #2(my name for now), and Dylan all moved into the townhouse a month before we left and are taking care of it while we are gone. I thought I'd share this great picture that Mary recently sent. I miss my "kids" and their spouses, my dearly loved daughters-in-love, and my favorite son-in-love so very much. They are keeping in touch with us so closely and I visit with them on Skype, and it helps so much to "see" them. I am so thankful God that someone was smart enough to invent a computer, aren't you? And I am thankful beyond words for others of you who are so faithful to contact us by email, and Skype. You have given us the most precious gift, the gift of your time, and you'll never know how much it means to us. Thank you !

Today, we visit the Anglican church for the second time. Church is on Friday here. It's tough to get used to, but that's the way it is. Everyone finishes their work week on Thursday, the day of rest is on Friday, then Saturday is like ours, for shopping and running errands, then back to work on Sunday. I am hoping that the choir sings again today. One of the men just sang and sang at the top of his lungs with a huge smile on his face, definitely making a "joyful noise!" The building we meet in is a very old Spanish church which was originally Catholic, but was taken from the Catholic church at one time, returned to the Catholics who gave it to the Anglicans. There is no air conditioning, but a lot of fans. Fascinating group of people, all worshiping together, united in our love for God. Can't wait to go back.

I pray you are well dear family and friends, we think of you every day, and you are all in our hearts, lots of love, Lynn

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Thoughts From My Balcony

I'm feeling a little reflective today so I thought I would take advantage and share something I do every day here in Tripoli...

My balcony gives me a view of the blue Mediterranean Sea, occasionally I see white caps and waves rolling in when the wind is high, a small fishing boat goes by, and I hear children playing and laughing in the water.

From my balcony, numerous flags wave in the wind, one is the flag of Jordan, another is from a Scandinavian country someone told me. It's red, white and blue, and for a moment, I thought it was the US flag, and it made me miss home so very much. I guess that many others here in Tripoli must feel the same way I do.

A bird is chirping from a neighbor's balcony below, an rooster crows in the mornings,but also at weird times of the day. I can see a whole family of cats crossing the street, even kittens. Children are playing at their house down the street, and crying. Laundry blows in the wind, on almost every balcony, even on mine.

People come and go, men are talking and laughing loudly, horns are honking, and on and on it goes. This is my life right now in Libya. So much is strange, and yet so much is familiar. How I wish I could share my adventure with all of you, my much loved family and friends, for then, it would be just perfect. With love, Lynn

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Crazy Malta Pictures

Here are some more pics of our great weekend in Malta. Yes, we did enjoy the local beer, Cisk, but not too much, don't worry. This young Maltese teenager served us in a quaint, little restaurant by the sea. The little fishing village, Marsaxlokk, was covered in the colorful boats that you saw in earlier photos. Each boat has a large eye painted on the front, the eye of Osiris, Phoenician in origin, and protection for seafarers. Enjoy our "daytime" Malta video, filmed by my sweet husband who is having a lot of fun putting these together. Lots of love from Libya, Lynn

Monday, July 13, 2009

Malta at Night

More Malta and Regatta

Well, I found a little piece of paradise right here in Tripoli today. It was really hard to come back after our awes
ome weekend away in Malta, and of course, it's so tempting to feel sorry for yourself. Today, I visited Regatta, a real Libyan planned community. There was a wonderful "club house" where we enjoyed an excellent lunch, outdoors under a big umbrella, next to a perfectly pristine beach. Wow, it was lovely. There were people enjoying the beach, the Med was sparkly and blue.
So, now we know it's possible for the Libyan people to have a clean, beautiful beach just like the ones we saw in Malta. I want to go back tomorrow !! We have heard that you are supposed to buy a membership for the club, but like so many things here, if you know someone, they just wave you through. Our drivers are very connected, so on we went. I haven't actually been in the Mediterranean yet, and now I know where my first swimming experience will be...Regatta !
Posted are more pictures of Malta, we'll include a few every night, for your viewing pleasure. And for all of you video fans, Rick made a great
Malta after Hours video which we'll attempt to post soon.

Tonight we had a cheeseburger, yes, a real one, complete with french fries !! Isn't that great? It was a little piece of heaven from Texas. You might want to go and get a hamburger, veggie or otherwise, as soon as possible. Made me miss home, and all of you as I do every day. Love to all, Lynn

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Malta Pics

Come Visit Malta with me!!

Hello to All,

I'm sorry to have missed my blogging for a couple of days, but I do hope that the next few days of Malta pictures will make up for it. Wow, what a beautiful island we found only a short 45 minute flight away, gorgeous coastline, flowers everywhere, colorful boats, fabulous restaurants, and sun !! What could be better than that? Maltese people speak their own language, a combination of Italian, French, English, Arabic, and "a little of everything else", our taxi driver said. The influence of many different countries is found on this tiny island, once controlled by each long ago. Now, Malta is its own country.

Rick and I loved seeing Valletta, the older part of the island, with its forts and cathedrals, apparently the churches all have festivals honoring their particular saint, and fireworks go off, and streets are decorated to the hilt. Even the little churches are covered with lights. We walked all over this part of the island, up and down narrow streets with painted wooden balconies, window boxes filled with flowers. I will post pictures Rick and I took of Baarracca Gardens, where there is a magnificent view across the harbor. Huge cruise ships were docking there. Republic Street is very long and very wide, filled with tourists, who are all shopping at the many, many shops there. It was impossible to do this part of the island justice in just a few hours. We were with two men who work with Rick, and they took some beautiful pictures of all the painted doors, all different and unusual. We'll post some of these pictures too.

Just a little known fact about Malta, at least little known to me, Paul of Tarsus, supposedly was marooned on the island, when he was shipwrecked on his way to Rome. Very interesting, huh? For more info, check out Acts 28:1-10.

Rick and I stayed in the Hotel Juliani, in St. Julian's, which overlooks a bay. This is a quaint little fishing village and you will see the colorful boats docked all over the bay. There is a beautiful walk along the water, which is very busy and crowded at night.

Well, I could go on and on, but let me conclude by saying, it was a perfect getaway, we were celebrating Rick's first pay check in about 16 months, so we felt very blessed to be in such a stunning place filled with happy people who were enjoying themselves. Of course, we wished for each of you, that we could somehow, bring all of you that we love so very much together and enjoy being there with you. Love for now, my sweet friends and family, Lynn

Friday, July 10, 2009

We\re in Malta!!

Hope this finds all of you well, and happy. Today, Rick and I are on the island of Malta, only 200 miles from Tripoli. This tiny island is a very popular weekend trip for everyone who lives in Libya. Very green, lots of flowers, and tourists everywhere. We were tired last night, from the ordeal of the airport, but we did walk around the St. Julian's Bay to a restaurant that the hotel recommended, Barracuda. Very good food, I had King Prawns, which should have been large shrimp, but really they were normal sized shrimp, with the yukky heads put back on !!

Anyway, I will post pictures as soon as possible, today we will wander around and get on buses which go everywhere and are very inexpensive. This is one of God's jewels, a blessing for us. More later my dear family and friends, Lynn

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Malta and Old Souk Markets

Hi Everyone,

Today is our trip to the island of Malta, a one hour flight from Tripoli. It is a tiny dot on the map, south of the tip of Italy's boot. Right before we left home, an article came out in the Houston Chronicle naming the 10 most beautiful European islands, and Malta was on the list. So, bravely, Rick and I have booked our first trip over there, not having a clue what we are doing. Everyone here loves to go and says it is like an oasis. We'll have lots of good pictures to share when we return on Saturday. Travel adventure here we come!

Yesterday, a new friend, took me to the Old Souk Markets in the old town of Tripoli, just what you might expect, booth after booth of handmade and imported "wares", leather, everything hanging, woven rugs, baskets, camels(leather, wooden, stacking camel toys), and GOLD jewelry. I kept thinking of the old story of Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves, anyone remember that story? The gold was incredible, huge necklaces, some hang down to the woman's waist, and cover the whole upper half of her body. Our driver, Najme, says that the women wear these at celebrations, like a baby shower or wedding. It was amazing how much of it was at this market, booth after booth, most crowded with people. There are so many talented people all over the world, making things with their hands, and Tripoli is no different. I took a few pictures and will post them when I return from Malta.

Hope all is well with each of you, my faithful blog followers, I think of you every day, and pray that God is blessing you with His peace, and joy. With love, Lynn

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Our New Apartment

Here is a short video of our new apt. at Al Zain, I will never be a star on the big screen, way too much pressure to be filmed !! Anyway, today was a busy day, luncheon with other ladies whose husbands work for AECOM, lots of fun, then a visit with a young mom who is from Australia, and her three year old son, Nate.

Learned something new today, camels have real feelings. It's true !! Heard of a camel who cried real tears when his "wife" died, and another camel who was being mistreated by his owner, so he sat on the man. They hold grudges too, apparently. Anyway, I am so very happy that I didn't order Baby Camel cooked in an earthenware pot at the restaurant last week. No telling what would happen to me!!

It's very hot here right now, but very dry too. One Libyan gentleman told me that we should only shop at night, about 7:30 he said. No shopping during the day, "too hot". However, the nights are still cool, and the sunsets are still beautiful. From the couch in our new living room, I could see the full moon last night.

So thankful that we all sleep under the same sky and look at the same moon, and are cared for by the same caring, loving God. Love to each of you dear friends and family. We miss you every day, in so many, many ways, take care, Lynn

Sunday, July 5, 2009

We're Moving !!

Great news, we got an apartment at Guesthouse #1!! Yes, it does have a special name like Arkno, something like Al Zain, but I'll let you know later. Rick found out at work today that it is vacant, so tonight after dinner, we went to our new "home". We will have a small living room, dining room and kitchen(yea!!), also a small bedroom and bathroom. We are a block from the Mediterranean Sea, very close, close enough to hear the children swimming and playing in the water. There is a nice little balcony where I can sit in the sun and read. All the way on the roof is the dining facility, still get our meals when we want, and an exercise room, that we didn't get to see. I loved the roof level dining hall, because you have the choice to eat outside if you want. I like that !! Anyway, tonight we are packing, packing, again. Thanks for your prayers about our accommodations, God answered.

Sadly, we have really enjoyed our neighbors at the Arkno, and we will miss them. It's amazing how quickly people here get to know each other, there is such a need, it really makes most people reach out. My cleaning lady here almost cried when I told her, and it was so sweet. But, there are other ladies at Guesthouse #1 who don't work,and I am closer to, and on the same side of the street from the Guesthouse #2 where I have met several ladies. It will take some time, but soon we will feel somewhat at home there. So for tonight , dear friends and family, I close with sending our love to each of you, Lynn

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Sunset at the Arkno, Church, and the AECOM Picnic

Well, we're finally going to share the incredibly beautiful Tripoli sunset we can see from the roof of the Arkno!! Rick filmed this the other night. The sunset is truly one of the most spectacular we've ever seen, so enjoy, and along with us give thanks for this and so many other blessings in our lives.

We went to church yesterday at the Anglican/Episcopal Church. There were about 70 of us in the congregation, a very old building, no air conditioning, but great fans all over. Down the aisle came the choir, 4 people, 2 men and 2 women. They were all Nigerian and singing at the top of their lungs, especially one of the men who never stopped smiling. The music was awesome. Most of the people there were Nigerian, six of us with white skin, and various others of all different nationalities. I believe God must smile when He sees His children "red, yellow, brown, black and white, they are precious in His sight" worshiping Him together. Supposedly there is a Protestant Church and a Charismatic church here too. It was a great way
to start our day.

Then came our first company picnic, out at the Villas where some of the AECOM employees live, mostly the upper management. These villas remind me of some of the pictures of palaces lived in by Saudi Arabian princes, huge places with private pools, etc. Anyway, they had set up tents with all of the food in them, tables, etc. Very nice. One very odd thing, there must have been a million flies at our picnic, really got to be funny, and annoying too. Oh well, the food was still good, and we must have burned some calories waving off those flies.

News for the day: we are moving into an apt. this week, and I will have a kitchen and a small living room. We are so excited and thankful. The people we have met at the Arkno are very nice, but it will be so great to have more than one room, and the guesthouse is one block from the beach. More tomorrow, love to all, Lynn

Happy Birthday America !!

Dear Family and Friends,

I missed a day yesterday due to church here, and our first AECOM company picnic. Hopefully, today I will write to you twice. May I first say how very proud I am to be an American, and enjoy the freedoms that God has given us in our country, freedom of religion, freedom of speech and all of the other precious freedoms that I have probably taken for granted over my lifetime. Never again, not after living in this country of Libya. I have always been very patriotic, but this year feels very different. May God bless America, and all of you today as you celebrate with your families and friends. We are with you in spirit. We love you !! Lynn and Rick

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Tripoli Craziness

Hey to everyone,

Tonight is wild and crazy time in Libya, we've just watched a gorgeous sunset on the roof of the Arkno, and we could hear cars drag racing down Gargaresh street !! I guess everyone is extremely happy that it's Thursday night, and their weekend is beginning. The sunset here is spectacular, unbelievable colors, and the sun slowly sinking, then poof, it's gone. I think the sky gets better and better after the sun goes down into the Mediterranean Sea, then the show really begins !! Rick took a video tonight, and will have to edit it before we can share it. Sorry, we really are beginners with the video on our new camera.

Rick just finished his first full week of work here in Libya, and it was fun for me to see him so excited about work again. I am thankful that God gave him a job that is challenging, and rewarding. He is working with men and women from so many different countries, Egypt, Syria, China, Korea, Russia, England, Australia, Brazil, and Portugal, to name a few. What an incredible opportunity !! It is fun to exchange stories of home with the men and women who live here at the Arkno with us, all have family and friends that they love and miss, just like us.

Tomorrow, we will attend church for the first time here, at 10:30 on Friday morning. Different, huh? I'm sure God doesn't mind that we will be gathering on Friday instead of Sunday. He listens to us every day anyway.

Love you all, and have a happy 4th of July, and a safe one too. Lynn

Home at the Arkno today

Thanks for the sweet comments about the video, we will film more, the next may be of the purple martins at sunset. You will be amazed. Today, things are quiet before the "storm" of Thursday nights in Tripoli. The activity level is unreal, horns honking, so many people out on the streets, young "boys" doing their wild donuts in the parking lots. What a crazy night Thursday is !

In contrast, Friday mornings are still and quiet, everyone is resting and awaiting their visit to the mosque. I want to also make a video with the sounds of the "calls to prayer" that we hear 4 times every day. The one at dawn never wakes us up, thanks to our great air conditioner. The loud speakers remind the Libyan people to "look to God, and to pray" , at least that's what Ahmed, one of the young drivers told me. I said to him, but you are driving a car, and he replied, "I still pray."
Great reminder to all of us, look to God and pray as you go about your day because He cares for you !! More on my evening blog... love to all, Lynn

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Welcome to our home, the Arkno. We hope to get an apartment in the future but for now we want to share our accomodations with you. Sorry, this is so corny, but I was under some "pressure" from the film director ! Please don't judge too harshly, it was very impromptu, and unprofessional.

To all of my fellow bird lovers, every evening at around sunset, flocks of birds swoop all over around our balcony living room, I assume they are relatives of the purple martins we have in Texas, who are definitely our friends because they eat so many mosquitoes. It is wonderful to watch them, especially with the sunset behind over the Med. I almost bought a bird at the market the other day to keep me company during the day. The one I like is bright green with orange and yellow on it, like a miniature parrot. With my luck, I'd bring it back and it would be one of those birds who don't like people, kind of like our neighbor, JD.

Another local market today, more like an indoor mall, nice and air conditioned. I went with a new friend, Shirley, to buy a coffee she likes, and a Cinnabon. Yes, just like the yummy ones at the mall, that have a million calories. Everyone loves sweets. I must say the Libyan candy is delicious, today I found these white, divinity looking rectangles with pistachios in them, yum!! And they were four for a dinar...perfect !! I am definitely going to stay away from those.

Tonight we actually ate a cheeseburger and fries at a local restaurant which has outdoor seating and a great view of the Med. We saw jet skies, people swimming, and young boys doing donuts in the parking lot next door. Sounds like an evening on the lake in Austin doesn't it?

For today, I will say, more later my sweet friends and family, may God bless all of you while we are apart, we love you, lynn

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Tuesday News

Hello, it's Tuesday night at 9:50 and I'm just now sending my blog. Rick and I actually filmed a short video of our new "home", the Arkno, so all of you could see our room and balcony living room, plus the downstairs dining room and living area. It will take awhile to download so we'll have to wait for the Internet traffic to die down before we can share it, but soon, I promise. Good news today, they are installing a brand new dish for the Internet which will give us much faster, better service, and we get a much larger refrigerator and a microwave, a very big deal when you have no kitchen. Rick's new company, AECOM, is really trying to keep their employees happy, and improvements are made all of the time. One day we'll get a call saying our apt. is available, and we will move. But for now, we're fine at the Arkno, and excited that another married couple will be moving in soon. And, she is not going to be working !! Maybe, I'll have a buddy to go shopping with.

Today, I experienced the Gorgi Market, very local shopping area filled with moms and kids. All sorts of things for sale, clothes, purses, scarves, linens, etc. Everything is so reasonably priced, the ladies I was with both bought a set of sheets, queen sized, for 27 dinar. I love going to the grocery store, which amazes me because I don't love it at home! It's such a challenge to figure out what is in the packages. Some are obvious, a lot aren't. Rick already has a favorite cookie, Croustina, "crispy wafers filled with milk cream", funny description. Today at the local market, Al Aruba, I saw a gummy Bart Simpson head on a stick, kids love him here too. Also, Spider Man, and Hello Kitty candy. Kids are kids on whatever continent, some wave at me, some stare, but all are cute. The very old men in their long robes, some with scarves on their heads and missing teeth are cute too. Well, more later, JD, our junkyard dog is quiet tonight. God is good !! Love to all and we miss you, Lynn

Monday, June 29, 2009

Monday Thoughts, and finally, Leptis Magna

Hello Family and Friends,

We are having some real issues with the blog at night, I'm thinking it's because so many new residents have moved into the Arkno with us; we've got some competition for the Internet!! So, I thought I would try to send the photos of Leptis Magna today during the day when all are at work, except of course, for me. I'm so used to being SO busy, teaching, outings with family and friends, and housework too. All of this has changed for me. My room is cleaned every day but Friday and Saturday, laundry is sent out and comes back ready to put away, and meals are prepared for me, breakfast and dinner. What's a girl to do?

Today, my routine in the morning, work out, Bible, journal, then REST. God must have decided that I need to rest for a while. And so I rest, and read, write and rest some more. Many of you will be thinking, sounds good! However, for me, it is just something I need to work on. I'm not a very good "rester", I love being busy!! I know that I will look back on these first days in Libya, and wish for some of this quiet, so I'm trying to keep that in mind.

Now for some reflections on Libya: there is real beauty in the five calls for prayer each day, prayer and time with God is prioritized, I like that ! Libyans are so friendly, what makes them this way? I know that they open their hearts in a way I've never seen before, completely enjoying others in a way that is charming, I like how proud Libyans are of their families, the people here serve with a joyful spirit, not grudgingly or expecting anything in return. When Rick and I commented on this hospitality, one of our new friends, Shamir, said, "I hope you always find my country this way!" Their cappacinno(sp?) is wonderful,tastes like chocolate, and only cost $0.75 a cup. Awesome!

Oddities: I've only seen one dog and one cat since I've been here, where are they? Women "swim" in their full dress, long skirts, head covering everything, how do they keep from drowning? No alcohol, but so much smoking...

I do really want to write a book, but I need a focus, a title. Anyone with an idea, let me know.
I love you all, and I miss you so much, Lynn